Friday, August 10, 2012

a year later

oh wow i've been neglecting this for a while.
but hey, a year has passed and it seems like some things will never change. still the same old girl, with the same old guy problems. yeah and i could cry because once again, i've been reading too much into simple gestures and now... whatever.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012


muss man sich setzen.
und während die zeit vergeht
muss man aufpassen
dass man sie nicht
aus den augen

Thursday, February 23, 2012


da könnte ich weinen
vor Freude, weil ich jeden Tag mit Ärzten konfrontiert werde, was mir immer wieder klar macht, dass es ein Licht nach 3 Jahren Hintern abwischen geben wird
vor Trauer, weil ich noch mindestens 3 Jahre warten muss

Up and down geht's mit meinen Gedanken...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sag mal weißt du noch...?

die Zeit, in der Versprechen noch was bedeutet haben?
als alles noch so sorgenfrei war und jeder einfach nur zufrieden sein Leben gelebt hat?
wie schnell aus einem Sommermärchen ein Winterdrama wurde?

Viel zu schnell vorbei. Und bessere Zeiten sind noch nicht in Aussicht.

Lieber depri schieben als Lernen. Ganz tolle Sache!



“She sighed. Loudly. "Physical appearance is not what is important."
Yeah right. Tell that to any girl who hasn't bothered to put on a presentable shirt or fix her hair because she's only running into the grocery store to get a quart of milk for her grandmother, and who does she see tending the 7-ITEMS-OR-LESS cash register but the guy of her dreams, except she can't even say hi- much less try to develop a meaningful relationship- since she looks like the poster child for the terminally geeky.”
Vivian Vande Velde, Heir Apparent 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dieting is...

hell when you love food so much haha
Guess I inherited this from my dad, this longing for good, heartwarming food that will make you forget all your troubles. That is, till you finally step on a scale ._.

Anyway, since I'm on this diet I crave for so much lovely things... and I HAVE TO RESIST haha
But hey, one can still dream...

Thursday, January 26, 2012


It's been a while. What has changed since the last time?

- i'm becoming a nurse..."Fachkraft für Ausscheidungen" truth hurts but hey, it's not that I plan to end like that!
- once again on a diet...but this time, yes, this time i have the feeling that it's going to work!
- new music on itunes... so yeah, nothing really changed because my life is boring like that.



Monday, August 22, 2011

more than friends.

don't you know that it kind of hurts, when you hug me goodbye?  when you hug her hello?
guess it's enough of whining for today, life is too short to be unhappy! gotta focus on my diet lol

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

PaRtY liKE a RoCkStaR

Oh em gee, I just picked my little sister, 14, up from a birthday party.
What were our birthday parties when we became 15 like? I remember cute sleep overs, movies, lots of food, games etc and now...?!
The moment i arrived, i was greeted by some 15/16 year old sitting on the ground with a bottle of beer in his hand. the moment i got to the door, i could see three girls assuring the fourth girl who was busy emptying her stomach in the garden that everything's gonna be alright. I entered the house and was greeted by a group of teenagers with the girls dressed as if their skirts shrank in the washing machine.

WHATEVER, maybe i'm too strict, too conservative, call me boring i don't care but in my eyes, this is not what 14 to 16 year olds should do with their time. Way too early to get wasted. OMFG i am so angry and i don't know why. Imagining that my sister gets drunk at the age of She wasn't drunk, maybe she took a few sips of beer or whatever was available there (and how irresponsible can the parents be to leave them, a group of 20 minors partying in the house?! would have expected more responsibility from a doctor and a housewife somehow) .

GOSH this generation is so frigging messed up, thank god I'm not part of it -.-

Friday, July 22, 2011


Okay, long story short: wanted to go salsa dancing (yes, it wasn't cancelled!) so i asked for the car, got an okay from my mom. when i was about to go, she went all "you know you should ask me first for permission" blaaa, okay so i asked her if i could go. her response? - no!
And interestingly i didn't throw a fit, but just said okay, took my contact lenses out and changed into my PJs. For one, i didn't want to start a fight because i know i would have only ruined my make up haha and didn't matter that much to me because i was tired anyways haha

I'm kind of proud of me that get angry. Hope it means that i'm a little bit more mature than i used to be :)