Sunday, August 01, 2010


I really hate the layout designs on blogger - but I am too lazy to create my own. I guess I somehow have ended it with the webdesigning. No motivation whatsoever.

"You have to be careful with flowers! Don't be rough."
I always thought children are like flowers. They need love to grow, just like a flower needs water. And they need the sun to guide them. So...I'm not complaining about a dark childhood here. I had a nice childhood. I got kissed and cuddled, mom helped me with my homework in elementary school (these days i will never forget...neither will my butt ever forget the lessons she taught me =___=) and I got a lot of toys.
Today, I think i am still very lucky to have my parents. They still care about me, tell me to drive carefully when I'm out with friends at night, ask if i have enough money. It could be much worse, some people get totally neglected by their parents. Sometimes i wish they'd neglect me a bit more...but honestly, they are caring parents.

And they are strict. Not that it's a bad thing to be strict. But sometimes, I wonder if their methods of raising me up were right. Well, they for one can't be that bad because I turned out quite fine tehe~
You know, but...less screaming, a bit less pressure...that would be nice. And a bit less hitting perhaps...but we're asian so that's inevitable -__________-

Anyway...I look forward to get out of this house lol
Distance is what I need.

If everybody told the truth, the world would end. Seriously. If I told some of my friends what i think about them then i wouldn't have any friends anymore, I guess.

You are too strict. You are too lazy. You are boring. You don't know how to be good to others.
 You don't respect others. You are too dominant. You have to find new friends, I don't want to be your one and only friend anymore because we just don't click! You don't know how to enjoy life. Why are you so dependant on her?

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