Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Schwenningen calling.

But I don't want to listen.Not Yet.

BAAA, faul, so faul, so faul, so faul!

Can somebody kick my ass please? I'm so behind in Chinese and in Economics and in...eeeeverything and it's not even 4 weeks to the exams...oh god T___T

But now for something completely different...I went shopping today. Spontaneously. I came, saw and won. For 13€ ;)
bag...finally, i have a brown bag again :)

And I really, really didn't want to to go shopping, but I was walking by Bijou Brigitte and they had this HUGE red sale sign inside which screamed my I spent the next 30min looking through the stuff haha :) originally, i had 2 more necklaces but...let's say my forgotten credit card saved me haha :)

...looks like blogger killed my quality =___=

anywayyys...let's call it a pretty day :)

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