Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 wrap up

So this is it, in not even 6 hours 2010 will be over and a new year will begin. What has 2010 brought to me...lots of tears of joy and sadness. Friends...lost a few, gained a million. Pounds...haha, once again, lost a few, gained a million!

The most important things to be's not easy to pick out the most important events.

Of course, graduation was a very important cut. Haha, i remember falling sick shortly before the first exam. I felt awful...pretty much like now, because i am ill again ^^°

Holidays in italy. AWFUL yet awesome. Haha, more awful though because of my "friends".
How come they can't be a little bit more outgoing? Since then, i have kept my distance somehow. Do i feel bad? Hm...nah, not really. I don't feel the urgent need to talk to any of them. But cutting ties would be so sad for our friendship of 8 years. I still like them...well, most of them, but i just don't feel like meeting them when i'm back in my home town.

Moving out. Nothing to be said about this:) independence and so on.

Hm...what about moments?

The moment we said goodbye at school. Lots of tears. And then we laughed about our silliness :)
The moment after the graduation ball. Gosh, cried again haha
Moments in the Neckar Tower. 12th and 13th story, the moon, no stars, but quiet and fun conversations. Kind of sad that the friendship is going down the drain.
Moments...oh whatever.

Last few days of 2010 were awful once again, so let's just hope for the better.

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