Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 wrap up

So this is it, in not even 6 hours 2010 will be over and a new year will begin. What has 2010 brought to me...lots of tears of joy and sadness. Friends...lost a few, gained a million. Pounds...haha, once again, lost a few, gained a million!

The most important things to be's not easy to pick out the most important events.

Of course, graduation was a very important cut. Haha, i remember falling sick shortly before the first exam. I felt awful...pretty much like now, because i am ill again ^^°

Holidays in italy. AWFUL yet awesome. Haha, more awful though because of my "friends".
How come they can't be a little bit more outgoing? Since then, i have kept my distance somehow. Do i feel bad? Hm...nah, not really. I don't feel the urgent need to talk to any of them. But cutting ties would be so sad for our friendship of 8 years. I still like them...well, most of them, but i just don't feel like meeting them when i'm back in my home town.

Moving out. Nothing to be said about this:) independence and so on.

Hm...what about moments?

The moment we said goodbye at school. Lots of tears. And then we laughed about our silliness :)
The moment after the graduation ball. Gosh, cried again haha
Moments in the Neckar Tower. 12th and 13th story, the moon, no stars, but quiet and fun conversations. Kind of sad that the friendship is going down the drain.
Moments...oh whatever.

Last few days of 2010 were awful once again, so let's just hope for the better.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I couldn't care less

about all these things now. I want to go back to Schwenni!
All this nagging about me and my appearance. All those comparisons with the other girls in the neighborhood.

WTH anfangs hat es mich noch tierisch aufgeregt. Inzwischen ist es mir ziemlich egal, was sie sagt.
Natürlich ist das wohl eher eine Trotzreaktion und Selbstschutz...oder purer Überlebensinstinkt. Das ist nie richtig klar, wenn sie involviert ist. Manchmal ist es schon extrem praktisch weit weg zu wohnen. Amberg nervt zur Zeit einfach nur. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another manic Monday.

Which i spent on doing..nothing but being lazy, cooking and making pancakes

Shoot it is Tuesday by now.
Okay, time to write the summary :D

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Forget them. You won't stick to them anyway. At least, I don't =_____=°

Screw this week, I still have to write a 350word summary till the day after tomorrow...actually, it's going to be due "tomorrow" in 6minutes...great... T_____T

Clean room = clean mind.

It has been ages since I have felt this comfortable. ...well, it has been ages since I've cleaned my room LOL (seriously, it's not THAT bad ;)
Clothes just got out of the washing machine and they smell heavenly <3

I haven't really noticed that but they guys told me that last night. Yep, I got visited by my 'lovely' friends again. Their call beforehand? " you have food?"
Whatever...i brought on my own because I've called one of them before out of boredom sooo...yeah we spent the night (they came around 11.30pm!) watching Schlag den Raab, they ate my lasagna and drank tea while I was - tadam - ironing my clothes! So the men enjoyed themselves while the woman was working...great, asian guys are so spoiled ;).
And all of a sudden they were buried in my bed sheets (this sounds so wrong ;D) because they loved the smell LOL it's Lenor, guys ;)

What else is there to say? I'm slacking in my chinese class...that's so bad!

Ach ja, btw we played Secret Santa with the IBM course and I got this awesomely cute bear with a awesomely soft blanket :)

And from the Schrottwichteln with Business, I drew this..
Sheepish thong
It normally doesn't hang on my desk lamp haha ;)
It was hella fun :)

Monday, December 06, 2010


Toll, zwei Stunden und 16 Minuten nach Mitternacht.

Das Wochenende ist seit 2 Std und 16 Min um. Und meine workload ist immer noch dieselbe.

Naja, immerhin hab ich es geschafft mich aus meinem Trott aufzuraffen und mich ins Bad zu begeben. In letzter Zeit ist das wirklich ein Wochenende Highlight geworden, denn Samstage und Sonntage sind inzwischen reine Gammel-aber-ich-wollte-so-viel-machen-Tage geworden. Eigentlich sollte ich ja Chinesisch und Japanisch lernen...klasse, Linh, echt gut gemacht. FAIL.

Und warum betreibe ich mal wieder procrastination auf höchstem Niveau? Richtig, facebook hat mich wieder. Und warum? Richtig, weil alle meine Freunde auf FB sind. Und warum?
- Anscheinend haben wir IBM students einfach nichts besseres zu tun.

IBM Student. Just Donnerstagabend hieß es, unser Schwerpunkt Chinesisch wäre unser USP, Unique Selling Point, wir sind nicht einfach nur BWL Studenten. Ist das wirklich das, wofür ich 13 Jahre zur Schule gegangen bin?

Das Leben hier ist ja nicht schlecht. Auch wenn die Stadt null hergibt, habe ich hier super Leute gefunden. Ich schätze die Internationalität hier (auch wenn mir die Spanier bis jetzt sehr spanisch vorkommen...da hat einer wirklich meine ganzen Kekse weggefressen, ohne zu fragen!!! - aber wir wollen ja nichts generalisieren), ich liebe es rund um die Uhr nur Englisch zu hören und zu sprechen. Ich finde es gut einfach von Deutsch auf Englisch zu switchen (andersrum eher selten), mit Freunden Hausparties schmeißen zu können (btw, fb has a new profile page...which..confuses me...a lot...o_O)

...ach whatever, Far East Movement on replay und auf geht's Chinesisch lernen!