Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It goes up and down...

Today, I wrote my last History exam EVER!
Today, I wrote my last Maths test EVER!
Today, I decided I'll do the oral final exam in RELIGION!

Today, I realized once again that you can't be friends with everyone.
Even if you really love them dearly, like I do, you can't hold them back. Oh, I'm so sad.

"Ich heiße Sad.[...] In der englischen Sprache heißt sad traurig." (Dreck)

So, you turn your back on me?

Seems like I was too blind to see,
that the person you are looking at,
isn't me.
All this days, months, the last year
- for me, my, you were dear.

But at the end, it

Seems like I am not the friend to you
I thought I
You're going away.

It is your loss.

LOL, ja, meine poetischen Ergüsse lassen zu wünschen übrig ;D

It still doesn't change.

I'm sad.

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