Monday, March 01, 2010

First day of the month

Is a  d i s a s t e r.

First, I am ill. Thought I would recover rather fast, but nope. Began with my nose. Couldn't breath. Went on to a bad cough. And now a sore throat is comoing over me, too. You gotta be kidding.

Second, lots of work to do. e.g. yearbook preperations. Why can't nobody get her things done by a certain deadline? I just don't get it. 

Third, workplace is a mess. My PC is on the floor, the screen is positioned on top of the PC, the keyboard and mouse are on the floor. Great, that's how you get work done. And the timber floor isn't really helping with the mouse.
Fourth, parents suddenly think they have to mess with my business. They agreed to a year abroad as an AuPair. And THEN they had this talk with an old friend - who, btw, is an attorney, thus he HAS to be right - about how high the chance is that I can get into university/college. So, no way that I am allowed to stay a whole year. Great. My applications and references are already filled in by my teachers and I am so incredibly grateful and I really appreciate their work and now I am told that it is for nothing?! So, what am I supposed to say, when I am asked about how the application is going? "Uhm...yeah, about that. Sorry, my parents didn't allow me to go, but thanks for your hard work" ?
And then they - my parents - want me to "do something useful", which is studying. At university. After graduation. WTH? It's not like I don't want to study later on. I just don't know WHAT to study! They piss me off...seriously. 
As if I would study only for the heck of it. Unbelievable. 

Fifth, mom is shooting the bull again (yep, catcher in the rye has a huge influence on me). Why aren'Ttyou studying? You want me to cut your internet connection? Oh woman, I had no internet a week ago and it was horrible because right now, I NEED internet. How am I supposed to stay in touch with others?
So annoying.

Wish it were over already.

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